Fawncay Wiki

The result of a Shmeelite that insulted the driver's swag.

"UNACCEPTABLE" ~Milady on Choppers.

"Just like mom used to make" ~Chuck Greene on Choppers.


The Chopper, known to Fawncay as the Plopper, is another commonly used vehicle in any Halo game.

The Plopper is the result of a motorcycle that was driven into a pile of Powder. It became Quasiquantumbidextrophysical and ended up being in its current state. Rumors have spread that the Plopper was created by Chuck Greene when he combined a motorcycle, a saw blade, and gasoline, but those faggots are wrong.

Fun Facts[]

  • The Plopper is commonly seen reducing vehicles to piles of smoldering Powder.

    The result of overusing the HOLY SHIT button.

  • It is also seen reducing people to piles of oatmeal.
  • Coincidentally has a HOLY SHIT button which takes the already shitty controls and makes them -hold on to your seats- SHITTIER!
  • Whoever rides it (normally) become a BAD A$$ (but not as much as Duck Nuckum, TJ Lazer, or Double Chromosome Man