Fawncay Wiki


Powder Wars is a very popular game played by the Fawncay. It's "counterpart" to the non-Fawncay gaming community is called "Halo Wars".

Fawncay Terminology[]

In order for "Halo Wars" to become "Powder Wars", it must be played by the Fawncay and involve using these terms:

(Normal Word = Fawncayology Word)

Common Terms[]

Supply Crates/Resources = Tea Crates

Cyclops = Shrek-in-a-Suits

Warehouse = Bearhouse

Grizzly = Shmizzly

Resources/Supplies = Powder

Age of Doubt = Age of Pout

Age of Reclamation = Age of Preclamation

Warthog = Farthog

Hornet = Ho' Net


Flamethrowers: Poop squads OR Photographers (flashbangs)

Scorpion = Florpion

Wraith = Praith

Ghost = Most

Banshee = Planshee

Vampire = Shmampire

Elite = Shmeelite

Grunt = Prunt

Hunters = Punters (Upgrades: Hunter Bonded Shield: Shin guards; Spirit Bond: Extra day of practice; Assault Beam = Infinite Soccer balls)

Vulture = Culture

Chopper = Plopper

Protector Plant (Labyrinth map) = Wal-Mart

Elephant = Smellephant

Pelican = Smellican

Jackals = Jackasses

Locusts = Hocusts

Fawncay Characters[]

Although the Fawncay can play as whoever they want (normally), the following are their favorite/assigned characters:

Brute Chieftain = Charles

Prophet of Regret = Milady

Arbiter = The Royal Fool

Sergeant Forge = Alberto del Gordo (If not used by Alberto del Gordo, he is normally referred to as Sgt. Porge)

Captain Cutter = The Village Leader (If not used by The Village Leader, he is normally referred to as Captain Putter)

Professor Anders = "Fawncay Guest" (Referred to as Colonel Sanders)

Leader Powers[]

The following are always used as terms, whether the Fawncay use them or not.

MAC Blast = Old MACdonald, MAC & Cheese

Character Involvement: Captain Putter's golfing spree (Captain Putter can launch golf balls from his ship).

Cryo Bomb = (No other name)

Character Invovlement: $HR3K eating 3 gallons of mint ice cream, then getting a workout by walking back to his chair, he breathes very hard on the map, freezing stuff.

Carpet Bomb = (No other name)

Character Involvment: The Carpenter (A carpenter who makes chairs/tables, customers are complaining and crying about their chairs, the Carpenter gets mad and bombs them)

Godly Units/Fawncay Units:[]

Godly Units are units with 13 stars; Super Units (Grizzly, Hawk) have 14 stars.

Godly Cobra = Charles' SUV

Godly Grizzly = Milady's SUV

Alberto del Gordo's Cartel = At least 5 Farthogs, 3 Shreks-in-a-Suits, 2 Ho'Nets, and 5 Cobras. (Can have different, but these are just the average.)

The Village Leader's Village = All infantry (Mostly Ho'DST'S, but can also include Photographers and Fartans.

Don Juan's Rage = Smellephants... Spelephants everywhere. (also some vultures, but who cares about them)

Fawncay Terms for Events[]

When in the course of human certain events, the Fawncay will use these specific terms.

Souvenir = Piece of a building/unit that a Shrek-in-a-Suit has not yet thrown; walks around while carrying it.

Bug Spray = When a Fartan is jacking a vehicle and you use Wolverines and volley it off (can also be used on Honor Guards and The Royal Fool and Charles)

Playing Volleyball = When you volley (special unit ability) anything

Playing Airball = When you barrage (special unit ability) something

Disruption Bomb = Therapy (stopping Arbiter's Rage)

Sending an enemy back to the Stone Age = Destroying their Temple/Reactors

Stone Age = 1st tech

Middle Ages = 2nd tech

Iron Age = 3rd tech

Modern Age = 4th tech

Post-Modern Age = 5th+ tech

Picking up all the change = Collecting tea crates

Fawncay Armies[]

Often, the Fawncay will create these specific types of armies as a sort of "Last Stand" or  in order to get revenge on another player.

Guards of Honor: 50 Honor Guards

Boys Who Cry: 50 Mosts

Boys Who WEEP: 25 Mosts, each with Offensive Protectors

Bikini Bottom Bad Boys: 25 Ploppers

The Anti-Village: All Prunts

Cave Johnson's Army: Praiths

Disciples: Milady's Hocusts

Planshee Obsession: When an MLG computer makes all Banshees while rushing. Also used to quell AK47Y0U's dumbassery in the form of SPAMMING THEM ON HIS PREACTORS :)

Fawncay Quotations[]

These quotations are used by the Fawncay fairly often in certain cases.

"GET OUT OF THERE SPONGEBOB" = The rare event that your Godly units almost ragequit (dies) and you transport it back to your base.

"Have I ever told you how photogenic you are?" = What Photographers say when they take a picture (use a flashbang)

"My calculations conclude that...NERRRRRRRRRRD!!" = How Forge interrupts Anders on the Dome of Light mission.

"We caught one ship with its pants down" = Cutscene before Arcadia City

"Hey, how's your day been, maybe you would like to talk about it" = When you attack enemies or drop a disruption bomb on the Arbiter when he's raging.

"Let's talk about our feelings...TOO EMOTIONAL!" = When your unit (overpowered) destroys another unit (underpowered).

"You're in quite a pickle there." = When you are being attacked and might be defeated.

"HEY YOU! CATCH!" = When Shreks-in-a-Suits throw something at a shmapire/planshee.

"GET 'EM KIDS!" = When The Village Leader is sending his Village to attack.

"RAGE RAGE COMICS" = When someone is playing as the Royal Fool and using his leader power.

Fawncay Songs[]

Sometimes, the Fawncay deem it necessary to play the following songs during certain events.

Ghetto Song = When you have a hologram of a Godly Cobra/Grizzly (the only real godly cobras/grizzlies are made by Milady and Charles)

Fawncay Battle Song = When a large-scale battle occurs (whole armies, not single units)

Fawncay Suspense Song = When your army is traveling toward enemy base

Mourning Song = When a member of The Fawncay Council leaves the game.

Fun Facts[]

  • Only The Village Monkey has never played it. He is too "cool" for console games.
  • Is hated by that NURD for reasons unknown, probably bad mechanics or not being able to make Scarabs.